Posted on 7/26/2022
Your car's engine and batteries are put under a lot of strain when the temperature rises. As a result, you can have a breakdown if your car's battery isn't in top shape. As temperatures rise year after year, keep an eye on your car's battery while it's hot outside. Here is what you can do to protect your battery specially during summer; Add water Most batteries available nowadays are sealed, so you don't need to keep an eye on the water level. However, ask the salesperson to add water if necessary if your battery is not "maintenance-free". The lifespan of an automobile battery is just three to five years, even with proper upkeep. Your battery life can be considerably less if you reside in an area of the country that sees temperature fluctuations. Reduce battery drain on vehicles With electricity-hungry gadgets like GPS systems, DVD players, MP3 players, smart phones, and onboard computers depleting the battery, we put a lot of strain on our automob ... read more